How to Fix: Why Do My TikToks Have 0 Views?

Written by Ivana Kotorchevikj Social Media / TikTok

Linkedin - 11 min read

When you put the time and effort into creating high-quality videos on TikTok, of course, you hope to get as many views and likes as possible, and even go viral.

So, it can be really frustrating when you see that your TikTok has 0 views after several days of posting it. However, you are not the only one. Many people have experienced the same issue.

In this guide, you can learn the most common reasons why you have 0 views on your TikTok videos and, most importantly, how to fix it.

Bonus read: TikTok no profile pic: how to do it?

Reasons why your TikToks have 0 views and how to fix it.

There are many reasons why your TikToks are not getting any views. However, there are several common causes why your TikTok videos are stuck at 0.

Below, we’ll explain them and present ways you can fix the 0 views issue.

  1. A glitch with TikTok

In most cases, the issue was due to a TikTok glitch that was causing TikTok videos to display 0 views. Luckily, if the issue is a bug, it doesn’t mean that your TikToks won’t go viral.

The bug occurred on the social network in 2020 and prevented many TikTok users from the UK and other countries from increasing the number of views and likes. Although TikToks were watched and liked, the system failed to register them and show them on the videos.

Luckily today, the bug is no longer reported by as many people as it was in 2020.

How to fix it:

However, if you believe you are experiencing the glitch, you can report the issue to TikTok.

  1. Go to your TikTok account settings.
  2. Go to the Support section, and tap on ‘Report a problem’.
  3. Select ‘Videos and sounds’, select ‘Other’ at the bottom, and again in the drop-down menu.
  4. On the next page, tap on ‘Need more help?’ and explain your problem.

0 views on TikToks

  1. TikTok completion rate and watch time

Another reason why your TikTok is getting 0 views is because of the completion rate - how many people watched your video from beginning to end and the overall watch time.

When TikTok's algorithm starts pushing a new video, it starts by showing it to a small group of people. So the success of your video and how much it’s shown later depends on how this initial group of viewers responds.

If your video had a low completion rate in this initial test stage, it will be shown to fewer people later, which may be causing the 0 views.

How to fix it:

To make get people interested in watching the whole video, you can:

  1. Try some of the TikTok trends. For example, try some of the latest food trends or makeup trends.
  2. Tell a story in your TikTok.
  3. Create loop videos.

Explore also: How to Get More Views on TikTok: 10 Essential Tips.

  1. Your video is under review for possible Community Guidelines violation

TikTok has an automated system that checks if videos go against some of its Community Guidelines.

If the algorithm thinks your video violates some of the Community Guidelines and contains inappropriate content, it may be placed under review before it’s shown on the For You page, which can also cause your TikTok to have 0 views.

You may also see the message “This video is under review, and can’t be shared right now”.

The view process takes from several minutes to 48 hours or sometimes longer.

Most commonly, videos are removed because they are including inappropriate content such as:

  • Violence.
  • Nudity or sexual content.
  • Racist, sexist, or other types of content that target groups of people.
  • Misinformation, scams, and spam.
  • Illicit substances (vaping, cigarettes and alcohol.)

How to fix it

After the human moderator checks it, if it’s approved, it will be pushed to the For You page. However, if it’s removed for Community Guidelines violation, you can appeal it.

  1. Open the TikTok app and go to your TikTok profile.
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner and select ‘Settings and privacy’.
  3. Scroll down and tap on ‘Report a problem’.
  4. Tap on the ‘paper and pencil’ icon in the top-right corner.
  5. On the next page, explain your problem and tap on ‘Report’.

Note: Filing an appeal may take some time. Also, you shouldn’t delete or re-upload the video until the appeals process is completed.

  1. Your video contains banned items and/or banned words

Apart from inappropriate content that violates the Community Guidelines, your TikTok video may also have 0 views because it contains banned items and words.

Having some of the banned items in the video, even though they are not in the focus, may suppress or even lead to a Community Guidelines violation. Some of the items that may get your videos suppressed, and consequently lead to 0 views are:

  1. Drug paraphernalia (such as bongs or vape pens)
  2. Firearms or other weapons
  3. Naked dolls
  4. Swimsuits or bikinis outside of a swimming setting
  5. Bows
  6. Scissors
  7. Knives
  8. Swastikas or other Nazi memorabilia
  9. Female nipples poking through clothes
  10. Adult toys
  11. Anything promoting harmful websites.

How to fix it:

People have reported that after they removed the banned item and reposted the video, it immediately started getting more views. So make sure you don’t include any of the banned items, or if you suspect your video has any such item, remove it and report the video.

Additionally, if your TikTok video includes swearing words and profanities in the video itself or in the caption, hashtag, or stickers in the video, it may be suppressed and get 0 views.

However, including swearing words may not be the reason for not getting any views - sometimes it’s a factor that helps TikTok distribute it to certain audiences.

How to fix it:

Many people replace the letter ‘o’ with zero in the swear word in order to avoid getting their video suppressed. However, just to be on the safe side, leave out any swear or curse words if you want to get as many views as possible.

Using other people’s content in your videos other than duets can lead to your videos being stuck at 0 views. This also applies to unlicensed music, TV shows, YouTube videos, movies, or other copyrighted media.

On the other hand, if you are posting on YouTube as well, you can get away with posting videos with snippets of other people’s content.

How to fix it:

The only way to fix this is to remove the video with copyrighted material. Keep in mind that posting other people’s TikToks, including your own, without any edits, may also lead to videos with no views.

  1. Using VPN

Connecting to VPN while you are using TikTok is possible, but it may be a bit risky, especially if you are creating TikToks for your own personal account.

When you are using a VPN, it hides your IP address by connecting to another server and appears as if you are in a different country. There are several problems with this. First, the VPN server is also shared by other TikTik users that may have violated TikTok’s community guidelines in the past. As you are sharing the same server, other people’s bad behavior may be carried over to you.

Additionally, using VPN is unfortunately considered suspicious activity, and TikTok may think you are trying to avoid a ban or make it more difficult to track you. Because of this, TikTok may sanction you, and your videos may have no views if you have posted them while connected to a VPN service.

How to fix it:

If you want your videos to be shown in another country or you want to explore trends from other countries by using VPN, first, you need to create another account and remove the SIM card from your device.

  1. You have been shadowbanned

Another reason why your videos have 0 views is that you may be shadowbanned.

Shadowban differentiates from a regular ban in that instead of banning you from using TikTok, and your content is restricted from showing up on other people’s For You pages. If your account is shadowbanned, you will stop receiving as many likes, comments, and views on your videos, as well as your new videos may be stuck to 0 views.

These actions can result in a shadowban:

  • Following too many accounts at once.
  • Posting and reposting the same TikToks repeatedly.
  • Spam liking.
  • Using automation or bots.
  • Leaving Inappropriate comments on other people’s posts.
  • Violating community guidelines.
  • Posting shocking or offensive content.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell for sure if your videos have 0 views because of a shadowban. However, one sign is that all new videos you post have no views at all.

How to fix it:

Luckily, most shadowbans are temporary and last around a week. So, if you have been shadowbanned, just wait it out until it’s removed. Make sure not to repeat the malicious action that got your account shadowbanned if you want to get views on your TikToks.

  1. Untrustworthy account

TikTok takes into account your whole account when deciding whether to show your videos. So naturally, TikTok will scrutinize new accounts more in order to determine whether they are trustworthy and don’t use spam or break any of the rules.

So, if your account is new and your videos are not getting any views, it may be because TikTok doesn’t trust your account yet.

How to fix it:

Before posting any more videos, do some activities that will make your account look more trustworthy and legitimate:

  • Watch videos before publishing your own videos.
  • Record and edit your videos in the TikTok app itself.
  • Upload a profile picture to your account.
  • Add bio.
  • Follow other accounts.
  • Wait a few days before publishing your first or next video if you have already posted.
  • Don’t buy fake followers or use tools to boost your followers.
  • Don’t post many TikTok videos one after the other. Instead, distribute them across several days. For example, try posting 5-6 a day in the beginning.
  • First, upload the videos to TikTok before sharing them on other platforms like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels.


If your TikTok has 0 views, there are several reasons for this. It can be due to a bug in the app; your video violates TikTok’s community services, it contains banned items or words, it includes copyrighted content, etc.

Try some of the fixes above to fix the issue. But most importantly, steer clear of spam activities and make sure your account is trustworthy.