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As one of the most used messaging platforms, Discord offers multiple features that make the user experience on the platform smooth and fun.In additi...
It’s no secret that Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. With over 1.3 billion active users, chances are y...
Discord is a chat app that many people use to communicate with friends and co-workers. It can be a great way to stay in touch, but the invite link to...
You might have wished there was an option for sharing your screen on Facebook Messenger when on a call with someone. Luckily, with Facebook Messenger...
Being an owner of a large Discord community can be very challenging. Luckily, Discord offers many options that enable users to easily manage members s...
Discord is a popular chat app with a ton of great features. One of those features is the ability to create your own channels. This can be handy for cr...
Launched back in 2015, Discord has grown into quite a popular gaming and voice chatting platform for millions of users worldwide. However, sometimes,...
If you are on a Zoom call, but you need to use your computer mic or audio for another thing, you want to turn off the Zoom audio. However, you d...
Those of you who have joined large Discord communities have probably noticed the welcome channel.Discord welcome channels are just like any other ch...
The Facebook Messenger app is widely used by nearly all Facebook users, and there’s a big number of people who stick to the Messenger app, but s...