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Discord has emerged as one of the most widely used communication platforms for gamers, developers, and communities to connect, share ideas, and work t...
WhatsApp is a widely used instant messaging platform with over 2 billion active users worldwide. Whether it's for personal or professional use, WhatsA...
One of the most popular video meeting apps, Zoom, allows you to customize different parts of your profile, including your profile picture, name, email...
Joining communities where you belong is what Discord is all about. Various topics, including games, entertainment, education, music, etc., are discuss...
Communities are groups of people who share similar characteristics and traits. It's safe to say that building a community in the cyber world is a sign...
Messenger doesn’t make it obvious how to remove an account from Messenger. This is especially frustrating if you’ve logged into Messenger...
Refreshing an app can help fix any glitches or performance issues caused by outdated data or cache. It can also ensure the app displays the latest inf...
As a user of Discord, you might be curious about when you first joined the platform. Knowing the date and time of your account creation can be helpful...
Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that allows individuals and teams to communicate, collaborate and share information. One of the key f...
MS Teams allows you to record meetings for future reference by simply pressing the record button. If you have yet to figure out how to use this featur...