How to Know if Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

Written by Ivana Kotorchevikj Social Media / Snapchat

Linkedin - 4 min read

Compared to other social media platforms, Snapchat doesn’t make it obvious when someone has unfriended or unadded you. You won’t receive any notification if that happens.

To make things more unclear, you can still send messages to a person even though they have unfriended you. If you can’t send messages to a person, that is a definite sign that they have gone one step more and blocked you.

One tell-tale sign that someone removed you on Snapchat might be when you no longer see photos or videos posted to their story. On the other hand, seeing someone’s story doesn’t mean that they haven’t removed you or they have added you back.

If you are confused by all these signs and are looking to find out if someone has unadded or unfriended you on Snapchat, keep on reading. Below, we’ll cover the pointers that will help you find out if you are still friends with someone on Snapchat or not.

Check out your friend list

One way you can tell that someone has unfriended you is to check your Snapchat friends list to see if someone is missing.

  1. Open the Snapchat app and tap on the red icon in the top-left corner to access your profile.

Tap on your profile

  1. Scroll down to the Friends section and select “My Friends”.

My Friends

  1. Search your friend list to see if the person is there. If you see their name on the list, you can rest assured that they haven’t removed you. However, if you don’t see the person, then unfortunately they have definitely unfriended you.

Friend list on Snapchat

Look for the ‘Pending’ Snap status

Another way to check if someone has deleted you from Snapchat is by the status of the snaps you send. If you send a person a snap message it won’t be delivered and it shows the ‘Pending’ message, you can be sure they don’t follow you anymore. To check this:

  1. Tap on the chat bubble on your home screen.

Tap on the chat bubble

  1. Double-tap on the username of the person you want to check.
  2. Tap on the circle to take a picture and then tap on the Send icon to send it.

Tap on the circle

Tap on the Send icon

  1. After sending, check the snap status below the person’s username. If it reads ‘Pending’ instead of ‘Delivered’ or if the arrow next to the username is gray, they may have unfriended you.

🔎 Explore more about Charms and how to hide and unhide them.

Check for the person’s Snap Score

You can also see if a person has unadded you by checking their Snap Score. The Snap score is a number that tracks how active you are in the app. It’s calculated based on the number of a user’s snaps sent and received.

You can see the Snap Score for all people you follow and they follow you back. This means that if you can’t see the Snap Score for a person, that person doesn’t follow you. If they don’t follow you back, it means that the person has deleted you, blocked you, or has never followed you.

  1. Go to Snapchat search and search for the person who you think has unadded you.
  2. Click on their name to open their profile.
  3. Check if you can see the person’s Snap Score under their username.

Snap Score

If you can’t find the person at all, it might mean they have deleted their Snapchat account.