What Does “Pending” Mean on Snapchat 2025

Besides all the fun stuff that is out there on the Snapchat app, there are some people getting across something saying 'Pending'. Ever since it became apparent on this social platform, people seem to get confused about what it actually means.

Snapchat app

This is where we come in, to explain how this Pending grey icon can mean a couple of things on your Snapchat profile and why this happens. Therefore, if this is something you find worth checking out, keep on reading.

Quick Note: This info regarding the Snapchat app that is given in this blog posts applies to both iOS and Android mobile devices.

What is a Snapchat pending message?

Basically, when Snapchat gives you the notification “Pending”, it means that it has not been able to send it and this is unlike some generic error message. Also, a Snapchat pending is a warning notification with the meaning that the app will proceed to send the message till it is received or perhaps till you choose to cancel the sending manually.

You should also know that it usually appears under a friend’s name in the chat tab, under a friend’s name on their profile or within a DM or a conversation.

What does a Snapchat pending message actually mean?

To get to the core of the meaning of what this actually is, we tackled several things that might be the reasons for this error to appear as such. Keep on reading to find out what may be the reason for that.

  • When the person you sent a friend request has still not approved your request

This means that you might get a “pending” message if you have sent someone a friend request on Snapchat and they still did not approve it. Users cannot send messages to other users before they get friend request approval.

  • When your Snapchat friend unfriended you

This happens all the time. You’ve been friends with someone on Snapchat but they cut you off their friends list so you are not there anymore. This is another reason why the pending message appears.

  • When your Snapchat friend has blocked you

Now, this is tricky, because Snapchat will not inform you that someone has blocked you and this may also be the reason for you to receive the pending message. Also, if you want to learn how to see who blocked you on Snapchat, check out this blog post.

  • When your mobile phone or device is not online.

This is very logical when you think of it. Obviously, Snapchat will not work when you are offline and therefore, it will display the Waiting to send message, which stands as a pending message till you are reconnected to Wi-Fi again.

  • When your Snapchat account is restricted by Snapchat

This is yet another reason why you might be getting the “pending” message. So, you must be familiar with Snapchat's policy with regards to its violations and what you can and can’t do. You might have violated some of those policies and your app functions have been restricted due to that.

  • When there is a random glitch of the Snapchat app

It is totally normal that the app has some bug or some kind of technical matters that need to be handled. This has nothing to do with your profile and it is up to the Snapchat team to fix it.

  • When the Snapchat app is down

This is also completely expected to happen and the app could be temporarily down.

Things to do when a Snapchat pending message appears

In case you see a Snapchat pending error message, there are some things you can try out.

  1. You can check the internet connection of your device.
  2. You can try and send a message to another Snapchat friend.
  3. You can contact your friend on another messaging app.
  4. You can restart your device.